

Using Tableau, create visualization for each question in the report regarding bird strikes.


This report is prepared by

What type of aircraft has the most instances of damaged caused by bird strikes? (nicolele).


Airplane is the type with the most instances of damaged caused.

What are the top 5 bird species that are involved? (ZachLamb)


The largest bubbles indicate the greatest number of occurences of a particular species in the birdstrike. The number below each species indicates the average cost in hours incurred by said species.

What is the most common flight phase where a birdstrike occurred?(KevinKGifford)


(This is a pie chart the represents what portion of the birdstrikes happened during each phase. The legend in on the right the most common was approach)

How many flights have been cancelled by birdstrikes? (pail4944)


The graph indicates the number of occurrences and the type of cancellation that occured.

What states cost the airlines the most money? (Cost and location) asked by willzfarmer, answered by Andrew Berumen


I graphed the number of bird strikes according to origin state, along with the sum of total costs of damage due to birdstrikes