

As a class, we brainstormed and came up with a long list of further questions we can ask based on the FCQ data. Out of these questions, our team chose to tackle on the following questions. Each member on our team is reponsible for one question.

Which instructor's course has the highest enrollment? by Zhili Yang

var list =, function(course){
  var instructors=course['Instructors']
  var enroll=course['N']['ENROLL']
  var courseName=course['CourseTitle']
  return, function(instructor){
    return {"instructor": instructor['name'], "courseTitle": courseName, "enrollment": enroll}

var maxGroups=_.max(_.flatten(list), function(course){
	return course['enrollment']
return maxGroups
The professor is GRAVES, PHILIP E, the course title is Principles of Microeconomics.

How many courses in IPHY that has 4 credits hours ? by Fadhil Suhendi

var course = _.filter(data,function(n){
 return n['CrsPBADept'] == 'IPHY'
var hour = _.filter(course,function(d){
 return d['Hours'] == 4

return _.size(hour)

They are 9 courses that have 4 credits hour.

What departments offer the most 4000 level classess? By Brian

var group = _.groupBy(data,function(college){
  return college['Subject']

var courseLevels = _.mapValues(group,function(a){
    return b['Course']
var count = 0
var levelCount = _.mapValues(courseLevels,function(level){
  count = 0
    if(n >= 4000 && n < 5000){
  return count

var result = _.mapValues(levelCount,function(n){
  return _.max(n)
return _.pick(result,function(number){
  return number == _.max(result)


Which department has the highest enrollment? By Tristan

var groups = _.groupBy(data,function(n){
    return n['Subject']

var courseEnroll = _.mapValues(groups, function(a){
        return b['N']['ENROLL']

var enroll = _.mapValues(courseEnroll, function(n){
    return _.sum(n)

return _.pick(enroll,function(number){
    return number == _.max(enroll)

MATH 8725

What instructors has the highest rating? By Andrew

var list =, function(course){
  var instructors=course['Instructors']
  var enroll=course['AvgInstructor']
  return, function(instructor){
  return {"instructor": instructor['name'], "rating": enroll}

var maxGroups= _.max(_.flatten(list), function(course){
 return course['rating']
return maxGroups

instructor HOBBS, STEVEN L
rating 6